Evaluation of 9 Rapid Agglutination Tests for the Diagnosis of Typhoid and Parathyphoid Fever in Côte D'ivoire
In Africa, the Widal test is done in the majority of laboratories by rapid tests whose performances are poorly documented. We evaluate the performance of 9 commercial rapid tests used in Côte d'Ivoire for the serodiagnosis of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
we used a panel of 170 samples collected from subjects suspected of typhoid or paratyphoid fever in Abidjan to determine the sensitivity, the specificity and operational characteristics of 9 plate agglutination tests (BIOREX®, BIOTEC®, CHRONOLAB®, CROMATEST®, FORTRESS®, PLASMATEC®, CYPRESS®, SPINREACT® and TYDAL®) compared to the reference technique SALMONELLA SEROLOGY® of BIORAD (tube agglutination).
Among the 9 evaluated tests, only BIOTEC® presented good performances (96% sensitivity and 97% specificity). Others gave sensitivities below 80%. Their characteristics were improved with the semi-quantitative plate agglutination test. All tests had good operational characteristics.
In our context, the majority of tests evaluated should not be used to carry out the Widal test.