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Early Stage Cervical Cancer, Therapy for Reproductive Health and Quality Survival

S. Chhabra, * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
Open Medicine Journal 04 Apr 2016 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874220301603010001


Cervical cancer, one of the leading causes of cancer deaths, seventh in frequency amongst all the cancers, third most common cancer in women, after breast and colorectal cancers, accounts for 9% of all cancers in women and 4% of cancers in men and women put together. As cervical cancer is being reported in young women, so preservation of reproductive health and survival with quality has become more important during cervical cancer therapy. For quality survival, reproductive health preservation inspite of cancer, early diagnosis and appropriate therapy are essential. Purpose of this article is to share so that others also look into various issues and we try to do the best for prevention of cervical cancer and provide best therapy so that women have survival with quality and reproductive health is preserved, specially in young women. Review of literature was done and self experiences have been added.

Keywords: Cervical cancer, early stage, quantity life, reproductive health, therapy.
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