A Detailed Insight of the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Curcumin with the Assessment of Parameters, Sources of ROS and Associated Mechanisms

Pranay Wal1, *, Nikita Saraswat1, Rashmi Saxena Pal1, Ankita Wal1, Madhvi Chaubey1
1 Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Insitute of Technology, Kanpur, India

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* Address correspondence to this author at Department of Pharmacy, Pranveer Singh Insitute of Technology, Kanpur, India; E-mail:



Curcumin is an active constituent of Curcuma longa, which belongs to Zingiberaceae family. It is derived from the Rhizome of a perennial plant having molecular formula C21H20O6 and chemically it is (1, 7- bis (4- hydroxy - 3 methoxyphenyl) -1, 6 - heptadine - 3, 5 - diene), also known as diferuloylmethane. Curcumin has been extensively used as a herbal constituent for curing several diseases and is scientifically proven to show major effects as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Inflammation is an important factor for numerous diseases including diabetes neuropathy, cancer, asthma, arthritis, and other diseases. Prophylaxis of inflammatory diseases through synthetic medications tends to have major toxicity and side effects on a large number of population. The foremost aim of this review paper is to assess the natural anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin, source, and mechanism of action, potential therapeutic effect and models associated. Additionally, this paper aims to scrutinize inflammation, sources of reactive oxygen species, and pathways of reactive oxygen species generation and potential side effects of curcumin.


Selection of data has been done by studying the combination of research and review papers from different databases like PubMed, Medline and Web of science from the year 1985- 2018 by using search keywords like “curcumin”, “anti-inflammatory”, “ROS”, “Curcuma longa”, “medicinal uses of curcumin”, “assessing parameters”, “inflammation”, “anti-oxidant”


On the basis of our interpretation, we have concluded that curcumin has potential therapeutic effects in different inflammatory diseases, it inhibits the inflammatory mediators, oxidation processes, and oxidative stress and has no severe toxicity on animals and humans.


Oxidative stress is a major cause of inflammation and curcumin has a good potential for blocking it. Curcumin is also easily accessible herbal source and should be consumed in the form of food, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agents and further observation should be done on its therapeutic parameters, risk factors, and toxicity studies and oral viability.

Keywords: Curcumin, Inflammation, ROS, Inflammasome, Interlukins, ENOS, NADPH, Myeloperoxidase (MPO), Peroxiredoxins (prx), NOX1-5, NLPR3.